Dawn Allen Women's Health Coach

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About the episode

As a medical professional, you’re trained in a model encouraging you to “solve” your patient’s health problems. It’s one thing to be able to prescribe medication for your patients and move on and another thing to integrate that with the tools that allow you to work together to figure out the drivers of their illness. Health is a skill set that your patients have to learn to integrate into their daily lives, and with the right tools, you can help them achieve that.

When we shift our mindset toward helping our patients and clients practice this new paradigm of health, we also live richer, more fulfilled, healthier lives. As a women’s health professional, you get to have a fully supported, life-giving life where you feel well in your body, and you can continue to do the vital work your clients need you to do.

Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Dawn Allen, a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Health Coach certification program graduate. Dawn’s story is an inspiration and a great reminder of what’s possible when we shift into a collaborative model to help clients not only understand from a clinical perspective but also help them to do the healing.

In this conversation, Dawn and I discuss how health coaching can integrate into clinical practice, the limitations of the conventional medical approach, why Dawn became interested in health coaching, the benefits of health coaching for patients and clinicians, the value of communication skills and holistic approaches in healthcare, and more.

Enjoy the episode, and let’s innovate and integrate together!


About Dawn Allen DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, NBC-HWC

Dr. Dawn Allen is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner and Health and Wellness Coach with a deep passion for empowering women to thrive in midlife. As the owner of Dawn Allen Consulting, LLC, she specializes in guiding women through the complex transitions of perimenopause and menopause, helping them regain control over their health and vitality.

Her journey into holistic health began with her own struggle to find solutions within the traditional medical model. This personal experience led her to The Integrative Women’s Health Institute (IWHI), where she embraced a whole-body, integrative approach to wellness. Inspired by the profound impact this had on her own health, she pursued advanced training in Functional Medicine and specialized in menopause and women’s health.

With years of experience working with clients and a post-menopausal woman herself, she has developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges women face during midlife. Her true passion lies in empowering women to navigate these transitions with confidence, providing personalized care that addresses the root causes of their symptoms.

In addition to her private practice, she serves as a master coach, operations director, and nurse practitioner at IWHI, where she continues to integrate her expertise in functional medicine, coaching, and holistic wellness. Outside of her professional life, she enjoys boating, traveling, weightlifting, and reading.

Dr. Allen was educated at the University of North Florida, the University of Central Florida, the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, and the School of Applied Functional Medicine.



  • Dawn’s experience as a nurse practitioner
  • Why her personal health challenges lead to a search for holistic solutions
  • How health coaching tools changed Dawn’s approach to patient care and communication
  • Dawn’s initial concerns about time management before joining the health coaching program
  • Changing our perspective on health and healing
  • The surprising ways health coaching tools enhanced her life outside of patient care
  • The importance of discussing nutrition, stress, and lifestyle with patients
  • How becoming a Women’s Health Coach opened new opportunities for Dawn
  • Integrating health coaching into clinical practices
  • Dawn’s advice for medical professionals considering becoming health coaches
  • The significance of collaborating with clients to create tailored health plans
  • Why effective communication is an essential part of holistic care
  • Embracing the personal growth aspects of becoming a women’s health coach
  • Understanding health issues within the broader context of patients’ lives


Connect with Dr. Dawn Allen


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Click here for a full transcript of the episode.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:00:03 Hi and welcome to the Integrative Women’s Health Podcast. I’m your host, Doctor Jessica Drummond, and I am so thrilled to have you here as we dive into today’s episode. As always, innovating and integrating in the world of women’s health. And just as a reminder, the content in this podcast episode is no substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical or licensed health care team. While myself and many of my guests are licensed healthcare professionals, we are not your licensed healthcare professionals, so you want to get advice on your unique circumstances. Diagnostic recommendations treatment recommendations from your home medical team. Enjoy the episode. Let’s innovate and integrate together. Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to doctor Dawn Allen. I want you to tune in in this episode to how health coaching can be complementary to medicine in general, and especially you need to tune in to this. If you are a nurse, a nurse practitioner, a physician, a physician assistant, this is for you. And if you’re a health coach who wants to work with a doctor or another medical professional and that nurse practitioner, doctor, PA coach model, and we do have some specialty training in our membership about building that doctor coach, model style practice.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:01:47 Many of our graduates have done that, and it’s a really collaborative model to help clients really deeply understand what is going on from a clinical perspective and then helping them to actually do the healing. Because even if you are a highly skilled nurse practitioner, PA physician, acupuncturist, chiropractor. Nurse, whether or not your clients understand what’s going on with them physically and or emotionally and or cognitively. And how they actually do the moment to moment healing work, the day to day healing work. It almost always. Goes beyond this idea of just take your medication and you’re well. Health is not this very simple binary of. You’re either sick or you’re healthy. Health is a skill set that your clients have to learn to. Integrate into their daily lives, no matter how complex their chronic illness, no matter how simple their infection. Whatever they’re dealing with in your office, whether it’s hormonal imbalances, perimenopause, chronic illness, endometriosis, period pain, infertility. You can help them as a clinician or the physician or other medical professional, such as a nurse practitioner like doctor Don Allen explains here can help with that clinical perspective and mindset and recommendations and understanding.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:03:21 What does all the data we need? What are the labs that we need? But then the most important thing is to have your clients go home and change how they are living. And this is a deeper work that the doctor just can’t do in the model that we currently have. So this is for you. If you are a medical professional, physician, nurse, nurse practitioner, PA acupuncturist, chiropractor. ET cetera, et cetera. Or If you want to work as a health coach within a medicine coaching model, this is a really good one. Tune in. I’ll see you on the other side. Hi and welcome, Don. It is so good to have you here. I’m so excited to talk about this, because I love hearing from all of our students and graduates about their journey. So let’s start with your story. Before you found the Integrative Women’s Health Institute and the Women’s Health Coach Certification. What was your background? What were you doing for work and what started you on the path of looking for something like this?

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:04:37 I’m clinically trained as a nurse practitioner and practiced in that medical model for over 20 years.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:04:44 And what ended up happening to me, which I think is happens with probably a lot of our students, is I started with my own kind of personal health issues, and since I was in the traditional medical field, that’s where I went to advice. So I started with the typical, like, you know, your primary care, your Gyn. And after a slew of tests, ultrasounds and CTS and lab work, it was basically like, oh, you’re heading into menopause, you’re having menopausal symptoms. Here’s either antidepressants or here’s medications or deal with it. You know, it’ll be fine once this is done. Mind you, I was 44 years old and I was miserable. I mean, I was losing my hair, I was having hot flashes. I was crying at my desk at work. I was yelling at my family. Hot flashes, a whole blown thing. And I was like, are you kidding me? There has to be a better way. I don’t want to take antidepressants. Not that I’m against them, but I just I knew that wasn’t the solution to this.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:05:44 So that’s where I started just searching. I literally just did, like, a Google search. Like holistic care. I didn’t even know what a health coach was at that point, and somehow I don’t know the universe or Iwe showed up on my Google search and I watched your webinar and I was like, oh my God. Like, I had no clue that there was a way to actually incorporate lifestyle modifications and to really take a look a little bit deeper at what I was doing on a on a daily basis. So that’s where I found you guys. And I was like full blown. Like, let’s go. Like I want to figure this out.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:06:20 And so right off the bat, you were like, okay, I want to figure this out for myself. And you kind of got a taste of what the role is for health coaching. How did that entice you in terms of like, could this be a part of your practice where you’re going to have to shift to a new practice, like how did it change your perspective on work?

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:06:42 I think in the beginning, it never even occurred to me that I could open my own practice or I could, you know, incorporate this into the care I was doing.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:06:51 That stuff never even crossed my mind until I was in the program. And I remember it was either even on a call with you, or maybe my master coach that he had mentioned about talking in questions. So I started like responding in questions just with my family. And then at work, like even as a nurse practitioner, you know, we’re taught that clinical model is, you know, you’re almost like the savior of treating or fixing your client. So it’s very much like, here’s your diagnosis, here’s your treatment plan. Go home and do what I say. And when you come back and you haven’t followed through like, you know.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:07:23 You’re noncompliant.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:07:24 Yeah, that’s the word. Yeah. Noncompliant. I’ve actually tried to erase that word from my brain. I can’t even think of it. I started bringing that into my everyday clinical practice as a nurse practitioner. Simple things like, so how does that sound to you? Or what do you think would work best for you? Or just asking more and more questions regarding the plan and it just changed Change their outcomes and what they were doing when they came back for their visits.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:07:49 So I don’t always think that people, when they start, realize that no matter what setting you’re in, what I found, it’s not just in my clinical setting, but my relationship at home, with my son, with my spouse, with my parents. I feel like I just became a better human as well, because I was able to listen, like to really just get out of my head, listen and hold that space. Just an everyday conversation. So it just changed everything for me.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:08:15 That’s so encouraging to hear, because I think sometimes people really think that, like, health coaching is either one of two things. It’s sort of like an MLM, like selling of supplements situation, or it’s just really vague. Is it therapy? You know, what is it? Right? And really what it is. And I think what you demonstrated so well is it’s a set of communication tools that changes the medical model, whether you’re practicing in conventional medicine, integrative medicine, holistic care, or lifestyle medicine.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:08:49 We always think that, like the person in the know or whatever, the practitioner is supposed to give this list of recommendations, and then you learned from 20 years of practice as a nurse practitioner that there’s maybe a, what, 20% rate of people actually following those recommendations, right? But when you start to say, okay, you’re struggling with this issue, here are some things that need to change in your lifestyle. Where do you want to start? What do you think of this plan? You know, even just starting to like, lay out the plan and say like, hey, what do you think about this? Or your family has some challenges? And your first response, you know, is like, do this, do this, do this, do this. Here’s what we have to do to solve this. You know, because the mom is also often in the same situation, right? Okay. Here’s what you have to do. Do they do it? No. Right. But if you say, quiet your mind and you really listen, and then you start to think in questions.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:09:49 So I think one of the coolest things about health coaching is the power of learning. The toolkit of communication skills. Powerful questions, mindful listening. Did you have any hesitations about joining the program? Or like once you saw like, oh my gosh, I know what this is, I need it. I’m just like, sign me up. Or were you like, okay, there’s a few things I need to like, figure out first.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:10:11 No. Not really. I knew I was totally in the one thing I needed to figure out, and I think I actually emailed either you or someone, like, was the time I was worried about working. You know, I was working full time. I was a mother going through menopause, having health challenges. So I had brain fog, and I was worried about the time frame to be able to finish it. So I needed to clarify that. And then once I found that it was self-paced and, you know, I had that support from the coach, the one on one coach to help me.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:10:40 Help me through. And the call. Once I knew I had that ability, the spaciousness of having that time frame, then I was all in. Coming from that clinical background like you as well. You’re used to school, right? You start on this date, you must finish this, and you have an assignment to here, and you have to do this and the papers do and the and I was like, there’s no way I can do that right now. And that’s not what this program was about at all. It was very nurturing and supportive and allowed me the spaciousness to do two modules if I want it on a Saturday or to wait, you know, a month and two until I drop back into it. Then I was all in. I was like, let’s go.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:11:14 Excellent. So you get in and you’re like, okay, I’ve got the time, I’ve got the support, I’ve got the spaciousness, I’ve got the patience and the ability to start kind of nourishing your own healing in the beginning, because we do lead with that, because a lot of people come to us a little bit at some level, more or less, sometimes quite significantly, their own health concerns.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:11:36 And I think one of the things that I learned from my clinical training, it’s like nobody cares if you’re sick or healthy, like they just don’t. Did any of your nurse practitioner jobs, they were like, hey, how are you today? No.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:11:49 No. Yeah. Never. It’s like, why are you not here? Why are you calling in sick?

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:11:54 Yeah, I worked at one hospital. When? On the orientation, it was like, if it’s a, like a blizzard and you have the flu, we expect you to put a mask on and snowshoe here. This was back way before people wore masks. This was like 2006 or something. And I was like, what? You know, but that’s the culture. So I love that you pointed out that, like, hey, you have the opportunity to come here. Address your own healing. So you started learning this toolkit of communication skills and nutrition skills and lifestyle medicine skills. So how did it change your practice and your work life compared to what it had been when you came in.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:12:37 I feel like these tools I’ve been able to use in so many facets in my career and in my life, I was able to incorporate them into that clinical setting. So I had a much better relationship, honestly, not just with my patients, but with the entire team, because I worked in a hospital orthopedic setting. So I was working with nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, so the staff in the office. So to be able to start stepping into that coaching hat, even in that setting, just created a number one less stressful. And number two, just a much more enjoyable working environment with all the team members. So I think it’s important to point out it’s not just about your interaction with client or patient. It’s in general with everybody in your world, whether it’s at work or home or whether it may be. And then people were contacting me to work with because they’re like, oh my God, you’re a nurse practitioner and you’re a health coach. So I was able to take those tools and incorporate it incorporated into a clinical setting where we actually created a functional wellness health coaching model for clients in a pain management office.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:13:43 We actually incorporated these tools into helping them come up with their plan for lifestyle modification instead of just the pain medication. So it completely changed the practice. And with these tools, which I think is really good, we were able to decrease the amount of narcotic use by 35% in the office by just making them more engaged and more as an active participant in their treatment plan, versus us telling them what to do. So I think that’s just huge.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:14:14 That is huge. I mean, with the opioid crisis, with, you know, so many challenges we have in pain management, addiction challenges. I mean, 35% reduction. I’ve never heard any other tool that can give you something like that.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:14:29 Yeah, I think the important part in retrospect, that I don’t want to miss is that we talk about like we talk about motivational interviewing. We talk about the tools from coaching. But to me, part of those tools are addressing lifestyle. But the lifestyle components of the nutrition, the sleep and to me, stress.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:14:50 They don’t teach you that in in school. Like they don’t teach you that stuff in school. I don’t think in any clinical definitely about nutrition. But nobody ever in my entire I’m talking through fertility, through post trauma. I had a horrific car accident with fractures and through trauma, through infertility, through menopause. Not once did anybody ever, ever ask me, how are things at home? How is your nutrition? How is your stress level? How are you handling that? Never. And now, in retrospect, I was like, no wonder I had all these problems with fertility and menopause at 44 and all these things, I was stressed out of my freaking mind constantly. Fire. Fight or flight. Crash or burn. Fight or flight. Fracture. Burn. And I think that alone, having someone learning those tools to be able to hold that space, to talk about those foundations, nothing else matters if you haven’t done that with your clients or your patients.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:15:46 Yeah. And I think the other nice thing about the community that we have, and you said sort of the support of the length of the program and the people involved in the program is so many people, practitioners or people on their own health journeys who come to us think, you know, to be a health coach, you have to start like a stressful business and you’ve got there’s all these things.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:16:08 But the reality is step one is learning these tools and turning the mirror on yourself, which you demonstrate so beautifully. But then also lots of our graduates don’t even change jobs. They just have a much, much better experience in their current job. Or maybe they get promoted or they work similarly, or they work in a more integrative environment, but the same job, but they bring to it a different perspective. And so they’re not so burned out because it’s not like your patient didn’t get better or your patient didn’t show up. Or like there’s not all this blaming. There’s a lot of co holding the experience between you and your client and even your patient and even your entire team. So you don’t have to blow everything up and start your own business if you don’t want to. You can just start with the changes within yourself and your current job and then see what happens. Because then you move to this integrative pain management program. You started that and clearly other things have happened from there. So talk about that a little bit.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:17:19 Yeah. And then that just starts opening doors. And then what ended up happening is people saw my transformation and what I was doing. And so people started contacting me like, hey, can you help me? So I had the ability to have kind of my own side gig per se. I had clients of my own, and that opened up the avenue, so I was able to use it for to improve my clinical practice, to open up, you know, to incorporate in an integrative, holistic approach to a pain management practice. I was able to see my own clients on the side, opened up my own LLC and saw clients. I was able to, with those skills, become part of IUI. You know, I was able to incorporate all those tools as well to become a master coach and to now also help with the operations part of IUI. So there’s so many avenues that you can use these tools if you want to open up your own private business. Absolutely. Have at it. If you want to incorporate where you are, you can use it there.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:18:17 So there’s so many ways that you can use them. And people start coming to you to use those tools because they see your transformation and the doors that open for you. I had no clue those would be the doors that opened for me. So just so many ways that you can utilize the skills.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:18:35 Yeah. And I think that’s an important message that you don’t have to know 100% what you want to do with this when you start. If it’s resonating with you, if you think it can just help with your own health, wellness, your family, your current work situation, then everything we teach you in the program and everything you practice and do begins to show you what the next step is. It’s the same thing as when we’re working with our clients, right? They don’t have to 100% know what they’re going to be doing in five years from now. We just bring it to the next best step, the next best step, and then take a pause every once in a while and play with some bigger visions and ideas.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:19:18 But also sometimes things come to people that are so unexpected. And I think that happened with you, and it happened for you and for us. Now that you’re working on our team and we always hire people that have gone through our programs. I mean, I think 95% of the time, because we find that it’s a good alignment with the work that we do is people that are drawn to actually do this work anywhere in the world. So it’s a lot of fun for me to see this evolve over so many years. So if you were to kind of take a 30,000 foot view now and you know, you, you learned so much from the experience for your own personal health, for your family, for your work life. If you’re talking to someone who is in nursing nurse practitioner and they’re just kind of on the fence about whether or not this is the right next step for them. Do you have any words of wisdom? Why do you think this program could be so valuable for them?

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:20:20 I think if you’re in the health care field, like you said, nurse or whatever, that they don’t teach us this, like the skills and the tools that I walked away with.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:20:29 They don’t teach us this in our clinical setting. And I think specifically for nurse practitioners, because they have in so many states now, they can open up their own practices just in general because they have independent practice like we do now in Florida. What you learn from here, it’s going to set you apart from someone with just that traditional clinical training, because you are going to know how to collaborate with your client to come up with the best plan that works for them. And I think, more importantly, what it taught me was that they know the person who knows what’s best for them is the client is yourself, and they actually have the tools. They know what the next step is. There’s so much noise that they need someone to help guide them to that. And often it’s the first time in their entire life for your clients, patient, whatever setting it is, or someone’s actually asked them what they wanted, held space for them, believe them, trusted them, their symptoms and what they’re telling you.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:21:28 And to be able to bring that to that setting. Not only does it uplevel your care just in general, but it’s going to make you the sought after provider in whatever setting you may be in. So it’s a no brainer for me. I mean, honestly, even if you’ve never used it in a clinical setting, which there’s no way you won’t once you have the skills, you can’t not use them. It changes you, your life, how you show up in the world, how you perceive the world, interact with the world, your relationships with patients, family. It’s worth every cent just to me for that alone. I mean, if you didn’t take all the other things that I’ve been able to use it for, it was worth it for that. Totally, totally different.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:22:05 So beautiful. And you’re exactly right. And this applies to anyone with an independent practice, as you said, you know, physicians, physical occupational therapists, mental health therapists, physician assistants, anyone? You know, when we survey people looking for healing for any number of things.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:22:25 The biggest struggle that they have. And when we look at larger scale data, they just don’t feel heard. They feel gaslit, they feel downplayed, or they feel like they’re crazy. They feel like no one really cares. These skills give you the capacity to communicate that in a really efficient and I think really kind of just nourishing and healing way. That interaction alone is healing.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:22:55 So yeah, 100%. The biggest takeaway is exactly what you just said. I went through that myself. So yeah. Yeah. Like you’re fine. Yeah, right.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:23:08 You’re fine. Right. We did a thousand tests. You’re good. You’re just in menopause. Just live with it for the next ten years and then you’ll be fine after that.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:23:16 Everything looks great. Yeah. You’re just starting menopause. It’s all fine. Don’t. Who cares that you’re yelling at your family and throwing cups in the living room and crying at your desk, and you can’t sleep, and your hair is falling out and you’re bloated. It’s fine.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:23:27 It’ll be fine once it’s over. It’s all fine. Just leave it. Yeah.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:23:30 Oh.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:23:31 That’s crazy. Yeah.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:23:33 Well, thank you so much, Don, for sharing your story and for being so inspiring. And I think for just giving people that wisdom and that inspiration, that jump in for yourself, even if only for yourself. And then you never know what doors are going to open from there.

Dr. Dawn Allen 00:23:51 Absolutely. 100% agree.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:23:53 Thank you so much. I hope you’ve really enjoyed listening to doctor Don Allen’s story. The most important thing about this work that we’re doing as women’s health and wellness professionals, and particularly as health coaches. Is helping people understand the context of their health story within their lives. It’s one thing to go to the doctor or go see a nurse practitioner and for them to say, okay, you have this illness, you need to take this medication. It’s another thing to integrate that into what are some of the drivers of those illnesses? How can you mitigate those? How can you learn the skill set of maybe taking medications forever? That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:24:46 There may be part of it that is managed or even healed by pharmaceutical medications, but often that is not enough on its own. You know, if someone’s getting strep throat every year, it’s like, why? Yes, antibiotics are a really good treatment for certain kinds of strep throat. But why is that person getting sick over and over. That’s more of a skillset question. So really think about Don’s story and how much, as a professional, she has been able to now change her life with this new insight, with this new perspective for her clients, but also for herself. One of the most interesting things I’ve learned over this 20 years of training, women’s health and wellness coaches is that the people who come to us, just like all of our clients, you and I, don’t have perfect health. We don’t because there’s no such thing. We don’t have a definition for perfect health. So as we begin to change our mindset about what health is for our clients, we get to live richer, more fulfilled, healthier lives ourselves because we actually get to practice this new skill set and mindset of health, and Dawn’s story is such a good reminder of that and such a good inspirer of that, because how we take care of our clients and how we give them that level of support.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:26:21 We must be doing that for ourselves on a really deep level and in community. That’s why we have so many membership, alumni programs, postgraduate certificate programs. You need our support and we need you as a part of our community to support yourself and your colleagues for decades to come. This doesn’t end. You don’t take a pill and you’re in perfect health. That’s just not how this works. Health comes from. Community comes from a skill set of living. Healthfully comes from making specific decisions in your life as Don did. What an inspiring example. So I hope that more than anything, hearing her story inspires you to see that as a women’s health professional. You also get to have a fully supported, really life giving life. You can feel really well in your body and you can continue to do really important work helping the healing of women wherever you are. I’ll see you next week. Thank you so much for joining me today for this episode of the Integrative Women’s Health Podcast. Please share this episode with a colleague and if you loved it, hit that subscribe or follow button on your favorite podcast streaming service so that we can do even more to make this podcast better for you and your clients.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:27:57 Let’s innovate and integrate in the world of women’s health.


Join Dr. Jessica Drummond to learn the three key steps to becoming a successful, board-certified Women’s Health Coach who leaves a lasting positive impact on their clients.

Learn how utilizing health coaching skills in your practice is crucial to your success, leaving a lasting impact on your clients, and shifting the paradigm of women’s healthcare.

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Dr. Jessica Drummond headshot with black background

Dr. Jessica Drummond

Founder & CEO

The Integrative Women’s Health Institute

At the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, we’ve dedicated 17 years to crafting evidence-driven, cutting-edge programs that empower practitioners like you to address the complexities of women’s health.

Dr. Jessica Drummond’s unique approach focuses on functional nutrition, lifestyle medicine, movement therapies, nervous system dysregulation, trauma, and mindset – essential elements often overlooked in traditional health education.

In addition, your training will be fully evidence based, personalized, and nuanced (this is not a cookie cutter approach) in functional nutrition, exercise, recovery, cellular health, and all other lifestyle medicine tools.

You’ll learn to support your clients with cutting edge tools safely and effectively.