I am thrilled to invite you to the best ten minutes of my most recent clinical training on “The Blood Sugar Spectrum & Women’s Health”, taught for the IWHI Clinical Vault with my friend and colleague, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. I know you will find this...
The Three Magic Pills Method(TM): The Secret to Optimal Health for Women My clients are always asking me, “What is the magic pill that I need to take to relieve my pain?” They go from doctor to doctor, therapist to therapist, nutritionist to nutritionist, and...
Healthcare and wellness providers have been through so much in the last few years, and burnout and compassion fatigue are more prevalent than ever. Are You Suffering from Compassion Fatigue or Burnout? I want to share with you The 5 Root Causes of Women’s Health...
It is well understood that the Western Healthcare System is broken. A 2013 survey revealed that 60% of healthcare workers feel burned out in their jobs (Healthcare Traveler Newsletter, 2013). Hospital mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States...
I just returned from an amazing opportunity. I spent most of last week at the largest national conference for physical therapists in the United States. In so many ways it was amazing. I had the chance to give a 2-hour presentation to my colleagues on using...