I am thrilled to invite you to the best ten minutes of my most recent clinical training on “The Blood Sugar Spectrum & Women’s Health”, taught for the IWHI Clinical Vault with my friend and colleague, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.
I know you will find this tremendously valuable.
In just this ten-minute excerpt you will receive several very valuable takeaways:
[2:00] Learn vital information about “The Blood Sugar Balance Spectrum”
[2:30] Discover the mechanisms behind Hyper-Insulinemia (the beginning of blood sugar imbalance)
[3:34] Understand “reactive” hypoglycemia (and how to spot its symptoms!)
[4:25] Discover how fatigue and brain fog may indicate pre-insulin resistance, even if tests are “normal”.
[5:40] Learn about insulin resistance, elevated level of sugar, and the damage it causes.
[7:15] Metabolic Syndrome, one step from diabetes, and a powerful place to step in and help.
This is just the first ten minutes. In the entire, hour-long interview, which you can find in the IWHI Clinical Training Vault, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and I deep dive into valuable information on blood sugar and its impact on hormone balance and women’s health, overall.
I know this clinical training will be valuable to you.