Mila Shwab Women's health coach

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About the episode

“Women need a sacred space, where they are listened to and can be guided to find their own solutions.” – Mila Shwab

Mindful listening is one of the best ways we can support our clients. In conventional medicine, there’s so much focus on giving directives and instructions that women often feel as though their experiences of their health are pushed to the side.

Through coaching, we help our clients from a different angle – empowering them in their journeys. When we create that space and utilize the tools available to us, our clients learn to listen to themselves, making it easier for them to make the sustainable changes they need to achieve optimal health in the long run.

Today, I’m joined by Mila Shwab, a graduate of the Women’s Health Coach Certification program who is out in the world doing amazing things. Mila’s experience with breast cancer and the trauma that it brought informs her approach to coaching. Now, her practice supports women in aging beautifully and with energy, and she embodies so much of that.

In this conversation, Mila and I discuss how her breast cancer diagnosis sent her on a deep dive into nutrition and women’s health, her approach to coaching, the importance of providing a safe space for clients, the power of personal experience in guiding others, building a successful health coaching practice, and more.

Enjoy the episode, and let’s innovate and integrate together!


About Mila Shwab

Mila Shwab is a passionate advocate for nourishing food and holistic well-being. While health and wellness have always been central to her life, everything changed when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This pivotal moment led her to ask, How did this happen?—a question that ignited a life-changing journey into the deep connections between nutrition, hormones, stress, and overall wellness.

Through extensive research, natural healing practices, and personal transformation, Mila overcame cancer and discovered that true wellness extends far beyond food. It encompasses the mind, body, and soul in harmony. Inspired by her experience, she dedicated herself to helping other women reclaim their health and well-being.

Mila holds certifications in Holistic Nutrition, Culinary Nutrition, Women’s Health Coaching, Functional Nutrition, and Transformational Nutrition. Drawing from years of studying wellness practices from around the world, she founded Nourished by Mila, a platform designed to support women with compassionate guidance and personalized natural solutions.

Whether navigating perimenopause, menopause, or simply seeking to feel their best, Mila empowers women to nourish their whole selves and embrace the beauty of vibrant, balanced living.



  • Mila’s HR background and career before coaching
  • Making the transition to Nutrition Studies after her cancer diagnosis
  • What Mila’s health journey taught her about nutrition and managing stress
  • How we can empower women through coaching
  • The therapeutic role of listening in the healing journey
  • Finding the right medical support and why we need connection in healthcare
  • The need for holistic support in cancer recovery
  • The learning curve in coaching and shifting from giving directives to listening
  • How building client confidence leads to better health outcomes
  • A success story from one of Mila’s clients who overcame pre-diabetes
  • Mila’s challenges and progress in establishing her coaching practice
  • The benefits of the IWHI program for launching coaching practices
  • Recognizing the demand for diverse coaching specialties
  • Applying coaching techniques in your personal life
  • The growth and evolution of the coaching profession
  • Mila’s transformation and resilience after her breast cancer experience
  • The importance of ongoing practice and nervous system regulation in coaching


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Click here for a full transcript of the episode.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:00:03 Hi and welcome to the Integrative Women’s Health Podcast. I’m your host, Doctor Jessica Drummond, and I am so thrilled to have you here as we dive into today’s episode. As always, innovating and integrating in the world of women’s health. And just as a reminder, the content in this podcast episode is no substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your medical or licensed health care team. While myself and many of my guests are licensed healthcare professionals, we are not your licensed healthcare professionals, so you want to get advice on your unique circumstances. Diagnostic recommendations treatment recommendations from your home medical team. Enjoy the episode. Let’s innovate and integrate together. Hi, and welcome back to the Integrative Women’s Health Podcast. I’m your host, doctor Jessica Drummond, founder and CEO of the Integrative Women’s Health Institute and the Menopause Solution. I am thrilled to introduce you today to one of our women’s health Coach graduates, Mila Schwab. She runs Nourished by Mila, and her practice is so beautifully and calmly and peacefully supporting women to age beautifully with energy, gracefully, and she embodies so much of that.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:01:41 She had her own experience with breast cancer, and the trauma of that experience really informs her coaching. Let’s get right in to the interview. Welcome back. Hi everyone! I am so excited to introduce you to our guest today, Mila Schwab. She is a graduate of the Women’s Health Coach Certification. Out in the world doing amazing things. So welcome, Mila.

Mila Shwab 00:02:13 Thank you so much for having me here. It’s an honor and it’s always great talking to you. So I’m very happy to be here.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:02:21 Wonderful. Same to you. Of course. So let’s talk a little bit about what you were up to in your life, in your career prior to even thinking about joining the Women’s Health Coach certification?

Mila Shwab 00:02:36 Well, I was going through a lot. I made some changes because I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my profession was human resources consultant. But given the fact that I was diagnosed with cancer and I thought I was eating healthy, but it happened to be that I wasn’t eating healthy for what I needed.

Mila Shwab 00:02:59 So I found myself having to have 33 radiations, two surgeries, and I was wondering what I’m doing wrong. And when I went to the doctor, he really didn’t explain to me what was going on. He just basically said, you’re estrogen positive and even thought I knew what estrogen was. I really didn’t know what he meant by being positive positive to the tumor that I had, and I understood later on that’s what he meant. So I started studying nutrition, reading about it, and I did pretty well in supporting my treatment of cancer. Then I decided to study nutrition so that I can use it for myself. But then I found myself talking to other women that were going through the same process and were lost. So I decided to study nutrition. But then I was like, that’s not enough. I want to specialize in women’s health. And I couldn’t find a program I researched, and I was really surprised that there were not any programs. So it took me a whole year to find you. And when I started to read, I said, this is exactly what I need.

Mila Shwab 00:04:12 And so I took a call. And when I talk to you, I knew this was the program and I went through the 101. Then I decided to go into the women’s health coaching. And here I am very happy. I feel more confident now.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:04:30 That’s wonderful. So personally, you know, a lot of times when our clients come to this work, our students just like me. Just like you write, we have these stories of what brings us to a more integrative health perspective. How we start the program is we sort of have you turn the mirror on yourself to begin to implement the health and nutrition and lifestyle changes in your own life. So as you started doing that. What did you find in terms of your own health and healing?

Mila Shwab 00:05:08 I found that sometimes what we think is healthy, that we’re eating healthy is not necessarily healthy for us, for what we need. And I found myself with breast cancer and yet I was going through perimenopause. I have no idea. I had no idea what that meant.

Mila Shwab 00:05:29 I have no knowledge of the hormones fluctuations. I have no knowledge that I needed certain nutrients and things that I needed to pay attention to. Going through the program not only taught me about the nutrition, but also what it means to manage my stress, the connection to the stress, the transition of perimenopause, and then nutrition. It helped me to really apply nutrition from what I need for the hormones, but also for the stress and how to combine all that knowledge and when to use it, and also know how to apply it for myself. But how to advocate when I go to the doctor for my own health? Sometimes doctors tell you, do this, do this surgery and it’s not the best for you. They really don’t know your body. So through this program, I learned that I need to listen to my body. Then I can make a decision of as to how I’m going to go about based on the knowledge that I have. And that’s exactly the kind of support that I want to give other women, not necessarily tell them what to do, but guide them, give them the knowledge so that they can best make a decision as to what is best for them.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:06:53 Absolutely. So you learned that in your own healing of both breast cancer and then much more smoothly managing the perimenopause to menopause transition, which is really difficult when someone has estrogen positive breast cancer. Right, because they’re turning off all of your estrogen as abruptly as possible. You felt that in your body, you got to see the beneficial impacts of changing your lifestyle. And you’re so right that stress is one of those issues that is a core contributor to chronic illness. Even if someone is eating perfectly, whatever that means for them. And and that idea of that bioidentical like finding the nutrition plan that’s right for you. Not just the, like, hot topic on Instagram. Right.

Mila Shwab 00:07:39 Exactly.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:07:40 And so navigating those transitions yourself and recognizing that you have to have some sense of power of that. Now, as you’ve transitioned into health coaching, what kind of work are you doing now to help women feel really empowered in their journey, which actually leads to less stress and less medical trauma?

Mila Shwab 00:08:04 The most important part is that mindfully listening, which is something that I really learned in this program.

Mila Shwab 00:08:12 Women need a space, a sacred space where they can be listened to and then guide to find their own solutions. So my support of what I have learned in this program is, first of all, to listen to them. It helps them feel that they’re care for that they’re paying attention to, and it helps them to listen to themselves and to find the answer. What is it that they need to do best to navigate this transition and find the nutritional answers they’re looking for? But listening is the number one. And then it he helps then also to calm down because they feel listen. They feel that someone cares, that they have this support. And that’s the number one thing that I use to support my clients.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:09:08 Absolutely. So when you were in your breast cancer journey through the medical system, it’s so rare, isn’t it, to find someone who really has the space and the skill set to be able to hold space and mindfully listen. And as you said, that’s actually a really therapeutic part of the healing that we sort of brushed past, right? It’s like, do this, do this, do this, go get these surgeries, get this treatment.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:09:37 Even if they said change your diet in this way, it’s very different. If it’s in the context of knowing that someone really understands what you’re going through and they’re hearing your concerns.

Mila Shwab 00:09:49 Definitely. I actually had an experience, a real bad one. When I first went to get a surgeon to do my surgery, I went and met this lady and she said to me, you need to have a mastectomy. She did not listen to me. She in ten minutes she told me that’s what I needed to do. And she told me the whole process was horrible. She was very negative. And I just said, okay, I let you know. Thank you. And I left. And then I did a research and I found this surgeon. He was amazing. But I felt like the importance of connecting. Connecting with the doctors and with my experience, I was meeting these doctors that they didn’t had the time for me. They did not listen to me. And they have the solution for me, which was not a solution, because later on I found out that same doctor that I first met did surgery for someone else, and they totally did a lot of damage.

Mila Shwab 00:10:53 So it’s very important to be able to find someone that can really listen to you. And coaching helps to do that. The coaching skills are very, very important because there are so many women, even men out there. They need to be listened. I find myself talking to people even when I go to walk my dog, and I find myself doing coaching and believe it or no, that’s how I have gotten life for clients. So they have doctors and they do therapy. They still need someone that listens to them, and that’s where coaching comes out to be very handy and very important.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:11:34 Well, I really love that because what we’re seeing is you’re are so aware of this hole in the marketplace of health care. So even if someone does need a surgery, that’s not the only thing they need. They need to prepare for that surgery and they need to get ready to recover. They need to put the people in place and the nutrition in place and the lifestyle and sleep and all of those pillars in place to prepare for and recover from the surgery and then prevent the cancer from recurring.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:12:07 And so having the skill set of coaching is actually a communication skill set. So you said you came from human resources, which actually is very aligned because the work of coaching is a communication skill set. So you could be out walking your dog. This is how easy it actually could be to fill your practice because your sales, if you will, is basically coaching people around how they can step into an empowered role in their own healing experience. So it doesn’t mean they don’t need surgeons, they don’t need radiation. Sometimes they absolutely do, but they also need a person to help them navigate that journey when they’re at such a vulnerable place.

Mila Shwab 00:12:55 Exactly. Because when you hear a diagnosis of cancer, the whole world paralyzed. You’re like, oh my God, I have cancer. I’m going to die. And you just don’t know what to do. You don’t know what direction to take. In my case, it was a stage zero. So I was very lucky, but I didn’t have any knowledge. All that I thought was, I’m going to die.

Mila Shwab 00:13:21 And I just had lost my mom two years prior to that to cancer. So I was really devastated. I was full of fear. I didn’t know where to go. I have to find that in myself, put myself together and start researching. Then I go to see a doctor who gives me a bad advice, and then I have to go and search a doctor, that I can feel some type of connection and then decide what I’m going to do. So based on that, I’m like, there’s a lot of women that need this guidance and coaching offers that. It offers them an avenue to be listened to, to be guided, and it offers support. One thing about coaching, when I first started, I mean, I love to talk, as you can tell, but I’m coming from a nutrition background. We are trained not to listen, but to say, okay, this is what you need to do, right?

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:14:19 Make recommendations.

Mila Shwab 00:14:20 Exactly. And that was a struggle for me because being used to make those recommendations with coaching is very different.

Mila Shwab 00:14:28 You have to listen. You have to ask the right questions. You don’t know what they’re going to be because you have to go with the flow and you have to listen. And listening is hard. But actually now I love it because when you listen, you’re not actually doing a lot of work. You’re just listening to that person. And then from there, you guy. So coaching has helped me to develop that, to listen. To be able to guide that person, to find the answers with them herself. And that’s what I needed at that point when I was going through cancer. So now that’s why I’m so passionate about it, just to be able to offer that support.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:15:14 Yeah. And, you know, it’s not to say that it’s incompatible. If someone also is a nutritionist like yourself or has nutrition skill, they can offer education and recommendations. But there’s a sense of disconnection of the person from like, what they’re being told to do by health professionals, often until they have that connection and that trust, then it’s like, okay, now I understand why I should eat these foods or why I should have the surgery and how it will benefit me and what the risks might be so.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:15:48 Their confidence soars so much and we know that that actually is key to them healing. They can make some mistakes in exactly eating the perfect diet, or they might walk more than they should be jumping or something like that. Like, right, we can make some minor errors, if you will, in the lifestyle recommendations, but when a person feels really safe in your presence, number one, that’s a place where their body actually does a lot of the self-healing work, because we know when the nervous system feels safe, the body has more capacity to heal. But number two, they can make empowered decisions. So even if, let’s say you as a nutritionist or if someone else is a physical therapist or even a surgeon and they’re telling them this is the like clinical best next steps for you when that person believes it and understand it and has that trusted, collaborative relationship with you, they’re more likely to do it for the long term. They’re not going to just be like, okay, she told me I should eat this, but then, you know, it’s someone’s birthday party.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:16:54 I’m going to, like, go off the wagon and don’t really care. You know.

Mila Shwab 00:16:58 I think it’s very empowering because the client comes back and say, I did it. They’re committed. If you tell someone you need to follow this, let me give you a menu for a whole month. They’re going to follow it. Maybe they’re going to follow it for two months, but somewhere along the line they’re going to stop. And when they go to the store to buy their food, they don’t know what they’re getting. So when you coach them and you educate them and you support them, then you’re empowering them to make a decisions and they’re going to come back to you. I have a client. She has been with me for over a year, and she still keeps coming back to learn new stuff. I have this issue now. How can you help me? And I used to think, you know, after three months, I’m not going to see this client anymore. And it’s quite the opposite.

Mila Shwab 00:17:52 They really like that coaching. I had had clients tell me I really need to talk to you. Not necessarily about the nutrition. They might have a stress. They might be facing a bad situation. Even with their job. They need somebody to listen to them. And that lead us to certain practices to come down or to deal with the stress at work. Or they might need some nutrition to support that stage that are going through. That’s the great thing about coaching that at the beginning it seems hard, but after it’s like, oh, I kind of like this. I’m listening. I’m, I’m guiding, but I’m putting the responsibility on them to make the right decision, what they think is the right decision for them.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:18:41 I love that because I totally agree. I think the beauty of coaching is that the client begins to really own her own journey, and you can see people developing that confidence right in front of your eyes. And as you said, to build your practice can be very simple. You coach in the world and then you continue to hold space.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:19:07 You don’t need a thousand clients because people have a lifelong journey and relationship with health. Some of our graduates have had 3050 total clients who they just work with for years. Not that the clients necessarily have more health problems, but they have bigger goals. They want to get a different job. They have now fitness and performance goals. They want to hike a bigger mountain. They want to run A5K with their grandchild. You know, we can be with people over the long term. So I love that story. Any other great client stories to share for us?

Mila Shwab 00:19:48 I have a client that she’s a professor at the Delaware University. She came to me because she was pre-diabetic. She was losing a lot of hair. And actually, she got great results. She’s back to normal as far as her glucose levels. So she came back again, and she’s like, I’m having all these issues that I cannot sleep. And she was talking to me and I said, I always ask, then what are we celebrating to? Then something that I learned from the program, but she was telling me about all these issues and I said, well, let’s take a moment.

Mila Shwab 00:20:27 Would you like to take a moment to relax and do a meditation? And we did. And at the end of the session, what was going on was that she had a lot of stress and she was trying to get a promotion. Nothing related to nutrition and she was struggling with. Where do I start? So what I did was by asking her questions, I helped her get organized. Nothing related to nutrition to help. It was more that she was really stressed out of how I’m going to face this. And she says, wow, I never knew that through a coaching session, I was going to be able to get organized and to get the answers that what I need. So through coaching, I led her to get organized for a presentation that she needed to do, and she got her promotion. I felt so rewarding. I felt so happy for her.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:21:30 Yeah. Yeah, I love that because that’s one of those things that as maybe a health clinician, we couldn’t necessarily predict. Like we would say, oh, they’re coming in.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:21:40 They need to change their diet. They needed earlier sleep routine? No. You had the space and skill set to hold space for her to find out exactly what she needed. She already had the knowing. She just didn’t know how to, like, put it into practice yet. I love that story. So what is your practice looking like now? What are you working on? What kinds of clients are you focused on? What does that all look like now?

Mila Shwab 00:22:11 It’s taking off. For a while I was stressed out because, you know, doing the website, making sure that I had everything right. And I have no knowledge on that. Actually, I took one of your courses after I graduated from the women’s program. So it was challenging getting the website going, getting the agency to do it, which is sometimes is not the answer. And right now I’m starting to get clients just by going to the park and using the coaching skills. And I’m starting to put programs together, services and packages.

Mila Shwab 00:22:51 And I’m going to start working on group coaching because I’m getting more clients that what I thought I was going to. So I want to do like a group coaching maybe every three months. So I’m excited about that. I finished my blog, so I’m about to download that and I’m feeling more confident. I’m getting out there to talk. That was my biggest thing, getting out there to talk. I have fear with that. But as I work with more clients, I’m more confident. I also was worrying, you know, about the charging part. How do I charge? Are people willing to pay for this? And I’m very surprised once you have that skills and you are getting out there, it really happens. So I’m very excited. There’s a big market for women supporting women. And I’m just working locally now, just in Miami area, and I have a lady from Delaware, so I’m really excited about that. And I’m starting to move in the right direction and get getting clients.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:23:58 I love that.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:23:59 So yes, after the Women’s Health Coach certification, often you can continue in our membership program so we can help you get through the stress of getting your practice launched. You know, get your website built, get your messaging right. And what’s lovely is you have this local foundation, but now your message is starting to resonate more broadly. You’re getting clients in other states. And when you have clearer and clearer messaging, which is one of the things we work on quite a bit with everybody in this program. Clients are more drawn to you because they just align with the specific work that you’re doing. And I think there’s also a really interesting you know, we see many of our students graduate and do the same kinds of work. Some will work in fertility, some will work in perimenopause, some, like you, will work in diabetes and metabolic health and weight loss and weight loss resistance. And there are lots and lots of people doing this work, but they resonate differently with different coaches. So you have a certain presence about you that is part of your marketing.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:25:05 And I think the more we just are really authentic, which is part of the skill set of coaching, just being confident and authentic and regulate nervous system regulated ourselves like nice and calm. It draws people to you.

Mila Shwab 00:25:21 I think is very important to be calm. Actually, I find myself applying those skills that I learned in the program to myself. Sometimes I am like, oh my God, I am so stressed out. Let me come myself now, especially before starting a session with a the client, it is important to calm down. And also being a spiritual. I love the program because it is stressed out. The listening, the mindful listening, the empowering, the client. And from my spiritual experience. I mean, after going through cancer, you become very humble and very spiritual. You’re very grateful and celebrate every day. So I have learned to combine the two skills. Actually, coaching skills have brought me to use more of my spiritual foundation, and what I mean by that is being more calm down, listening more, being more aware of the person that I am helping with and it’s embracing that.

Mila Shwab 00:26:31 Whereas before I look at coaching as a hard job to do as a lot of work to do. And now it’s just it flows. I even use it for my family when I’m talking to them. Of course, they don’t know that I am right. But. But it works great because instead of getting personally involved in whatever situation they’re facing, I am leaving them with questions. And it leads them to that moment. Oh, wait a second, I can be doing that. So I’m loving it. I went from being hesitant about using coaching or becoming a coach to wow, this really works.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:27:14 Yes, and it’s hard to really see it until you’re out there doing it right. You’re like, oh my gosh, this really works. And it takes so much pressure off of you because the client gets more and more confident and more and more owning their journey. You’re not like trying to, you know, make sure you eat your vegetables like like you might have been before.

Mila Shwab 00:27:39 It takes a lot of pressure and it shifts the responsibility to the client and it empowers them.

Mila Shwab 00:27:46 They feel better because they don’t feel like you’re like you’re after them, like a mother is after their kids, so they feel much better. I had had people say to me, oh, I made a mistake. And this week I wasn’t good about eating. You’re going to be mad at me. And I said, no, why would I be mad at you? This is your journey. You know what? To decide what is best for you. And they’re like, oh, okay. And then we go over as to what happened, what were the obstacles that they encounter and how to work on that. And so they feel more comfortable. They look at you as a support person, not as somebody that’s going to be yelling at them or sculpting them or anything like that.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:28:32 Absolutely. Thank you so much for sharing this journey. I think you’re such a model of how coaching can be a really beautiful career to step into, even if you don’t have a prior deep background in healthcare. We have many people who have come from human resources.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:28:51 We have many people who’ve come through learning, nutrition and doing a lot of their own work for their own health journey. And the skill set of coaching is becoming more valuable, more valued, easier to get clients because clients more understand what it is now. And as you work together with us to refine your marketing message, it again becomes easier to grow your practice. So you’ve been just a shining example by showing up and doing the work. That’s really what it takes.

Mila Shwab 00:29:24 That’s important. And thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you so much for all the programs. Thank you so much for the support. You all have been great. You keep me going, Motivated and I look forward for any new programs that you have. I’m always looking at what is new. I’m part of the membership and that’s really a great, great service. I can always go back and review all the programs I had done it, and most important, it keeps me up to date and it keeps me moving forward.

Mila Shwab 00:29:56 So thank you so much.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:29:58 Thank you so much. And if anyone wants to learn more about your work, where can they find you?

Mila Shwab 00:30:05 w w Nourished by Mila.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:30:09 Excellent. Nourished by Mila. Com. Thanks again for being here. Thank you, everyone, and we’ll see you soon. I hope you enjoyed learning from Mila. She has such a peaceful and calm and regulated presence. It wasn’t always that way. She was really rattled by her breast cancer experience. By the trauma of that and just, you know, changing your career is not an easy thing to do. She has just continued to show up, and our women’s health coach graduates that are the most successful and thriving at what they do keep showing up and keep practicing. Nervous system regulation. The healthier you pour into your own self and your own nervous system and your own stress resilience, the easier it will be to build your practice. Notice that she continued to tap into the community that she joins. Our membership calls even now, nearly every week.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:31:23 She’s refining and refining her message, and she’s refining and practicing her skill set of coaching. She really became a deep student of the skill set of coaching, so her clients know and have confidence that they’re in such good, safe hands with her that they are aging beautifully. Aging vibrantly. Getting promotions in their 50s and beyond. And she’s just so happy for them. She’s constantly celebrating them. So if you’re considering this career, even from a non-healthcare career, it shows you that by continuing to show up, to be fully committed to the process, to continue learning, to continue practicing, to building your own confidence and your own nervous system, calm and resilience. Clients will be drawn to you because it is so rare to be deeply heard and understood as you navigate a health care challenge, so rare Air that clients are directly going to be drawn to you. Thanks so much to Mila. Listen to her story. Put it into practice. This kind of work is out there available for you if you’re on the fence.

Dr. Jessica Drummond 00:32:49 Talk with our career coaches. They can help you navigate your very next steps. See you next week. Thank you so much for joining me today for this episode of the Integrative Women’s Health Podcast. Please share this episode with a colleague and if you loved it, hit that subscribe or follow button on your favorite podcast streaming service so that we can do even more to make this podcast better for you and your clients. Let’s innovate and integrate in the world of women’s health.


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Dr. Jessica Drummond

Founder & CEO

The Integrative Women’s Health Institute

At the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, we’ve dedicated 17 years to crafting evidence-driven, cutting-edge programs that empower practitioners like you to address the complexities of women’s health.

Dr. Jessica Drummond’s unique approach focuses on functional nutrition, lifestyle medicine, movement therapies, nervous system dysregulation, trauma, and mindset – essential elements often overlooked in traditional health education.

In addition, your training will be fully evidence based, personalized, and nuanced (this is not a cookie cutter approach) in functional nutrition, exercise, recovery, cellular health, and all other lifestyle medicine tools.

You’ll learn to support your clients with cutting edge tools safely and effectively.