I am thrilled to invite you to the best ten minutes of my most recent clinical training on “The Blood Sugar Spectrum & Women’s Health”, taught for the IWHI Clinical Vault with my friend and colleague, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo.  

I know you will find this tremendously valuable.

In just this ten-minute excerpt you will receive several very valuable takeaways:

[2:00] Learn vital information about “The Blood Sugar Balance Spectrum”

[2:30] Discover the mechanisms behind Hyper-Insulinemia (the beginning of blood sugar imbalance)

[3:34] Understand “reactive” hypoglycemia (and how to spot its symptoms!)

[4:25] Discover how fatigue and brain fog may indicate pre-insulin resistance, even if tests are “normal”.

[5:40] Learn about insulin resistance, elevated level of sugar, and the damage it causes.

[7:15] Metabolic Syndrome, one step from diabetes, and a powerful place to step in and help.

This is just the first ten minutes.  In the entire, hour-long interview, which you can find in the IWHI Clinical Training Vault, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and I deep dive into valuable information on blood sugar and its impact on hormone balance and women’s health, overall.

Do you want to learn more about specific strategies for recognizing early stage blood sugar instability, and learn nutrition and lifestyle medicine strategies to balance blood sugar? Click here to learn more. 


I know this clinical training will be valuable to you.