Conventional creams and pills don’t address what causes acne. Acne is a common problem for teens. Eighty-five percent of 12-24 year olds experience acne. It’s a growing problem for adult women as well. Fifteen percent of us also struggle with acne. For most women with...
I am thrilled to invite you to the best ten minutes of my most recent clinical training on “The Blood Sugar Spectrum & Women’s Health”, taught for the IWHI Clinical Vault with my friend and colleague, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. I know you will find this...
The world is waking up to the fact that everyday toxic exposures are not only real, but a big part of the rise in chronic health issues. In fact, it’s crystal clear that the connection between environmental toxin exposures and women’s health issues is incredibly...
New clinical training on “Nutrition and How it Contributes to Cancer and Cancer Recovery” with Dr. Nalini Chilkov, one of the leaders in functional nutrition and integrative cancer care. During this interview, you will have several valuable takeaways: [1:15] What are...