Dr. Jessica Drummond headshot with black background

The foundation of our mission at The Integrative Women’s Health Institute is to help provide higher-quality, integrative pelvic healthcare for ALL people.

My name is Dr. Jessica Drummond, and I am the founder and CEO of The Integrative Women’s Health Institute, where our mission is to educate and empower practitioners in order to help improve the standard of care for women and people of all gender identities.

Pelvic healthcare in this country is lacking, especially integrative pelvic healthcare with a holistic approach.

Having worked in pelvic pain rehabilitation for over two decades and in holistic functional nutrition since 2009, it was time for me to combine these skills and perspectives.

I hope that if you’ve been suffering from pelvic pain for any length of time, even if you have seen quite a few practitioners, you know that there is hope for you to find pain relief yet.

And, if you’re a practitioner in the field, I can’t wait for you to join our community of amazing, caring, talented, and innovative colleagues who are dedicated to finding new ways to help their clients get relief from their complex chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, PCOS, hormone imbalance and chronic illness.

At the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, our trademark integrative approach to pelvic healthcare is that we trust that each person is the artist of their own healing.  They alone can make their own best decisions that are informed by their inner wisdom with the guidance of innovative practitioners who are healthy and empowered themselves.

Because healing pelvic pain is distinctly and intimately intertwined with a person’s identity, sexuality, pregnancy, birth, and parenthood experiences, we provide private and group integrative treatment programs and patient and practitioner education that deeply respect each individual person’s journey.

No matter how much pain you are in, you are not broken.  

Our bottom line belief is that your body is a temple in need of repairs, not a totaled car.

You have the power to heal, and you are already whole.

Our role is to be highly knowledgeable about and educate you on all of the beautiful, luxurious, effective, and evidence-based tools that are available to you to support your body’s innate healing intelligence.

Evidence-Based Continuing Education & Accredited Certification Program for Integrative Pelvic Health Practitioners 

black woman doing yoga integrative health approach

At The Integrative Women’s Health Institute we use innovative, evidence-based, integrative healing tools such as functional nutrition, mindfulness, meditation, mind-body work, and lifestyle coaching. in The Women’s Health Coach Certification Program. We offer the ONLY NBHWC-certified health coaching certification focused on women’s health in the world.

Dr. Drummond also works with clients privately and in group programs for functional nutrition and health coaching.

We work with women and people of all gender identities with pelvic pain.

While women’s integrative pelvic healthcare is and always will be our core focus, we want to acknowledge that anyone of any gender identity can struggle with chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, PCOS, etc.

We acknowledge and support non-binary and transgender clients and practitioners and will continue to advocate for your bodily autonomy and improved healthcare options for all people.

If you’re struggling with chronic pelvic pain, suspected endometriosis, or confirmed endometriosis, The Outsmart Endometriosis Health Coaching Program could be a good option for you. Learn more and reclaim your life from endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain.

Dr. Drummond is very passionate about training pelvic health practitioners, including pelvic floor specialist physical therapists, clinical nutritionists, occupational therapists, registered nurses, women’s health coaches, physicians, and naturopaths.

Our programs at The Integrative Women’s Health Institute are focused on building bridges and communities among practitioners by educating them on the role that each specialty plays in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain and by teaching them new tools and perspectives to use in their own healthcare or wellness practice.

We also focus on the health of the practitioner as one of our core beliefs. We believe that a healthy practitioner is capable of providing better care to clients and will see improved patient compliance, results, and satisfaction. 

In our flagship WHC Program, we also train healthcare and wellness practitioners in innovative health coaching business models and modern marketing to allow them to expand their practice while maintaining their own energy and work/ life balance.

Thank you for being here and sharing in my vision for strong, empowered, and healthy people throughout the globe who are released from the suffering of their chronic pelvic pain.