Pelvic Pain and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Terry Wahls

Pelvic Pain and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Terry Wahls

Chronic Pelvic Pain and Autoimmunity… Is there a connection? In my practice, many of my patients who struggle with chronic pelvic pain also have autoimmune conditions.  Even those who don’t have clear autoimmune diagnoses, often have autoimmune issues...
Can Women Healthfully Drink Alcohol?

Can Women Healthfully Drink Alcohol?

It’s the morning after. Your client (or you!) woke up after a night of celebration tired, with a headache, dry skin, dry mouth, just Ugh! Is alcohol ever healthy?  And, are there ways to enjoy alcohol and protect your liver, preventing the next day hangover?  In...
Is There an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Diet to Improve Pregnancy Success?

Is There an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Diet to Improve Pregnancy Success?

While there is no one-size-fits-all IVF Diet, focusing on your nutrition can certainly improve your IVF success.  Let’s discuss a few important strategies for supporting your health to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy with IVF. The IVF Diet is a...
The Future of Lifestyle Medicine: Health Coaching, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Fitness, Bodywork, and Herbalism

The Future of Lifestyle Medicine: Health Coaching, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Fitness, Bodywork, and Herbalism

It is well known that the global health crisis is being caused not by acute illnesses, but by chronic disease such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.  Sixty percent of all global deaths are caused by chronic illness, and many...