Hormone imbalance is a frustrating issue to deal with for many people, which is why I love to recommend hormone-balancing recipes, like this one! For women with endometriosis, interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome, bloating, and other hormone issues, salad...
The world is waking up to the fact that everyday toxic exposures are not only real, but a big part of the rise in chronic health issues. In fact, it’s crystal clear that the connection between environmental toxin exposures and women’s health issues is incredibly...
Nearly 50% of midlife women ages 35-55 years have struggled with poor sleep and sleep issues. (1) For the clients in my practice, there are many common complaints associated with poor sleep, including: Difficulty falling asleep Getting a second wind late at night...
What’s the evidence on Maca? Is there any evidence that adding that scoop of Maca powder to your smoothie is a good idea? Are maca powder benefits all that they’re hyped up to be? As with nearly everything… the answer is, “It depends.” In my practice, I...
Cortisol and Pelvic Pain Imbalanced cortisol levels throughout the day have been directly related to chronic pain, in general and in patients with chronic pelvic pain. High cortisol and pelvic pain is more often found in men with pelvic pain, and in women with pelvic...