The world is waking up to the fact that everyday toxic exposures are not only real, but a big part of the rise in chronic health issues.

In fact, it’s crystal clear that the connection between environmental toxin exposures and women’s health issues is incredibly strong. Health practitioners (and especially those who work with female patients) must become fluent in this topic so they can better support their clients and patients.

So could toxins (and not nutrition) be the cause of your client’s hormonal health issues? For sure they’re contributing. I recorded a valuable webinar with my friend (and environmental toxins expert), Lara Adler.  You can see the presentation here.

Unfortunately, most health professionals still aren’t actively helping their clients or patients understand, and take action on the toxic exposures that are making them sick or exacerbating their health issues.

I’m excited to share that Lara has just opened enrollment to her most advanced training for allied health practitioners like health coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists, women’s health experts, fitness professionals, midwives, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists, etc.

Click here for more information about Lara’s Certificate Course In
 Environmental Health.