Is There an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Diet to Improve Pregnancy Success?

Is There an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Diet to Improve Pregnancy Success?

While there is no one-size-fits-all IVF Diet, focusing on your nutrition can certainly improve your IVF success.  Let’s discuss a few important strategies for supporting your health to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy with IVF. The IVF Diet is a...
Physical Therapy and Nutrition: A Powerful Combination To Heal Pelvic Pain

Physical Therapy and Nutrition: A Powerful Combination To Heal Pelvic Pain

She’s been dealing with increasing pelvic pain symptoms for years. Newly married and ready to start a family, she worries about the effect that her pelvic pain will have on her relationship with her husband and whether she will even be able to get pregnant. She’s been...
Vulvovaginal Pain and The Immune System: Practical Steps for Vulvovaginal Pain Relief

Vulvovaginal Pain and The Immune System: Practical Steps for Vulvovaginal Pain Relief

It is well accepted that the nervous system is the ultimate “decider” when it comes to an individual’s pain response in any given moment.  You have surely experienced this yourself when a paper cut feels like your whole hand is on fire, or when you wake up with a...