Last week I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Angela Savitri, OTR/L. She’s a Freedom from Chronic Stress™ Coach and Occupational Therapist. We had a great discussion about Adrenal Fatigue. If you’re struggling with being tired all of the time, tired in the morning, but too wired to sleep at night, chronic colds and flus, insomnia, anxiety, infertility, and other vague symptoms, you could be suffering from adrenal dysregulation. In other words, you could be on the path to physical and emotional burnout.
If this sounds like your life, you’ll want to listen to this interview. Angela and I see this all of the time in our practices. Dr. Sara Gottfried, one of my mentors, once said that 92% of the women in her former clinical practice.
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below? What did you learn that you will start doing today to get your energy back?
Angela Savitri, OTR/L is a Freedom from Chronic Stress™ Coach and helps women leaders be free of burnout and chronic stress. She experienced a chronic stress crisis from her Type A – overachiever traits, and healed herself to experience peace regardless of her external circumstances. Angela’s vision is for all women leaders to experience contentment, calm, and connection even with a demanding career. Learn more about her Freedom From Chronic Stress Program™.