Have you considered the possibilities for your career as a Women’s Health Coach?  In our alumni spotlight series, I want to introduce you to some of the amazing things that our Women’s Health Coaches are doing all over the world to spread an integrative approach to healing for chronic women’s health concerns.

Have you ever wanted to do your healing work by supporting women around the world to come together, in person, in beautiful retreat settings to usher in intensive healing experiences?

Meet Brianne Grogan and Casie Danenhauer…

Brianne and Casie are Women’s Health Coaches, yoga teachers, physical therapists, and so much more.  Brianne has a wildly successful You Tube Channel, Fem Fusion Fitness, which teaches women all over the world to move more, eat clean, and get fit with a special focus on core and pelvic floor health.  Casie is the founder of Enlighten Physical Therapy.  She has an in-person physical therapy and yoga therapy practice, and she leads healing retreats all over the world.

Brianne and Casie met as Women’s Health Coach Certification students, and have now teamed up to create a nourishing retreat for women with chronic pain, fatigue, and burnout, who come together with other women in idyllic healing settings to restore their health.  Their skilled support, plus the details of their retreats – the food, activities, exercises, movement practices, community, and settings – create a situation that is ideal for healing.

Have you ever considered creating a live event, retreat, or online retreat to support the women in your community to heal?  As a women’s health coach, the possibilities are endless…

Do you want to become a women’s health coach, or add health coaching to your physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, fitness, gynecology, or other women’s health or wellness practice? Consider joining The Women’s Health Coach Certification program. Click here to learn more!