Last week was one of the best, most interesting, and most fun weeks in my entire 15-year career in women’s health.  I had the great fortune of being invited to teach at three events in London and Ireland.  I was one of the teachers involved in Jenny Burrell’s brilliant Third Age Certification Program for fitness and therapy professionals.

Then, I went on and gave a presentation to a wonderful group of physiotherapists at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

And, finally, ended the tour with a one-day course on nutrition and wellness coaching for pelvic and sexual health at a hospital in the beautiful Irish countryside.

Now, I have taught many professional courses during the course of my career.  I always enjoy teaching, and I always enjoy meeting live audiences because their energy, questions, and experiences really fuel what I like best about my work… engaging, learning, and helping women heal from our collective experience.

Beyond the energy and engagement of live teaching, this week of teaching was special.  First of all, the events grew out of like-minded connections that I made through learning to grow an online business.  Plus, I had the unique experience of meeting colleagues from other countries who really did bring far different perspectives on this work (and very similar perspectives in many ways too) as my American colleagues.  That was a real surprise.  And, it was the first time that I was able to share my original work, ideas, and experiences with such far-flung colleagues.

Growing a business is really the greatest personal development experience that I could have ever dreamed up.

But, the riches of that experience is not quite what this post is actually about.  You see… whenever you say, “Yes!” to anything in life, I want to remind you that you’re saying “No.” to something else.

Years ago, I was reminded by Marie Forleo (a business coach) that if you say “Yes” to anything be sure that you’re really thinking “Hell Yes!!!” – otherwise, strongly consider saying, “No.” – This is a great tip that has served me well.

Anyway, when I said, “Yes!” to traveling to teach in the UK and Ireland, I said “No.” to be with my mom and girls on (most of) Mother’s Day because I spent the day on a very long (and quite relaxing) journey home.  I made this decision purposefully.  But, it was hard.


Similarly, I just said, “No.” to a radio interview for next week, so that I could say, “Yes!” to touring a new preschool for my daughter.

My point is that we make these choices for family, personal, social, and business reasons all of the time.  I recommend that we own these choices and make them from a place of deliberate decision rather than feeling tossed in the wind by trying to “balance” work and life.

The next time you say “Yes!” to chairing that committee at work, just keep in mind that you might just be saying “No.” to training for that triathlon.  Either choice is good.  And, you’re the one who gets to pick.  What’s your choice?




Here are a few pictures from my wonderful “Hell Yes!” trip last week.  Enjoy!  And then… please share with us in the comments below how this post might change your next choice.  Or, a time when you made a “Hell Yes!” choice, and deliberately said, “No.” to something else.  Were you even aware that you were making these choices all of the time?