A few years ago, the pull to expand my knowledge brought me to IWHI, where I completed the Endometriosis Coaching program and most recently, the Business Mastermind & Women’s Health Coaching programs.  It was during this new adventure that I realized how my skill in coaching could benefit so many women beyond what I had been able to offer in my physical therapy practice.  I knew I could provide compassionate support to women in perimenopause and menopause to find within themselves the resources and tools that they had not been able to get from a traditional model of care.  I realized, both through my own journey and through what I was learning throughout the programs, that it takes a village of support, it takes listening and reflection to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.
When I started my adventure into coaching certification, my life was busy — or as I prefer to reframe it — full.  In addition to running my clinical practice, I was committed to my community, where I spent time volunteering, and to a household filled with my husband, 2 daughters and 2 pets. There didn’t seem to be much time for a deep dive into something new.  And yet, that is exactly what I did!  And this is where the quote “It takes a village” holds such truth.  By leaning into the support of my Master Coaches and my accountability partners who allowed me to stretch my skills in listening and deeply supporting other women, I grew.  And by showing up with curiosity to take in all the information that Jessica Drummond was offering, I completed the program this summer.
What I gained moving through the IWHI programs has allowed me to step into the role of a Master Coach.  I am honored to be a part of the amazing Be The Boss of Your Career Discovery and Illumination Teams developed by Dr. Julie Granger (DPT and also a WHC graduate)  The joy of coaching and supporting PT and health entrepreneurs who have the goal of coming home to themselves — inside both their businesses and lives — truly honors what I have to offer as an Inner Wisdom Tour Guide.
I am so grateful to have followed my dream of completing the Women’s Health Coach Certification program.  It has given me concrete information on coaching, and the skills needed to be successful in bringing this to others for their growth.  The teaching form was a great fit for my already full (busy) life and was truly enjoyable.  The student community was fabulous and it was wonderful to have the opportunity to share this journey with like-minded individuals. My growth during the retreats was amazing as I had the space to dive deeper and practice all the skills acquired during the coaching modules.  By the final retreat, I had so much more confidence and could really step into the vision I had of myself as a coach.  I would whole-heartedly recommend the Integrative Women’s Health Institute and the Women’s Health Coach Certification program to anyone who wants to step into the role of a Women’s Health Coach.