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We Stand for Planned Parenthood

We Stand for Planned Parenthood

When my friend, Alex Jamieson sent me an email a couple of weeks ago asking if I would join her and 100 of my colleagues in taking a stand to support Planned Parenthood as a woman and women’s health leader who cares about the health of ALL women… I hesitated. You see,...

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3 Steps to Using Nutrition to Naturally Balance Hormones

3 Steps to Using Nutrition to Naturally Balance Hormones

She started her day with coffee just to get moving. Didn’t have much time for breakfast, maybe grabbed a piece of toast or a banana on her way out the door (or took a few bites of her kid’s leftover oatmeal.)   After the school drop off and commute to the office,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Preconception & Fertility

At the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, we are continuously seeing clients who are seeking a more holistic approach to pregnancy, through the following article we intend to provide you, the reader, with a research-backed approach to preconception and proven wants...

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Are You Suffering from Compassion Fatigue or Burnout?

Are You Suffering from Compassion Fatigue or Burnout?

Healthcare and wellness providers have been through so much in the last few years, and burnout and compassion fatigue are more prevalent than ever. Are You Suffering from Compassion Fatigue or Burnout? I want to share with you The 5 Root Causes of Women’s Health...

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Can Probiotics Help Female Athletes to Perform Better?

Can Probiotics Help Female Athletes to Perform Better?

The short answer to this question is… Yes! Probiotics and probiotic foods are an essential part of any active girl or woman’s nutrition plan for two important reasons: 1. Athletes who use probiotics have direct performance benefits.  In a placebo-controlled study of...

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Delicious Collagen Smoothies for Postpartum Moms

Delicious Collagen Smoothies for Postpartum Moms

Supporting postpartum recovery for new moms is an essential skills for all women’s health physical therapists, fitness professionals, nutritionists, and other women’s health and wellness professionals.  The postnatal year is a time when women need emotional support,...

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Healthy Comfort Food: Italian Sausage Minestrone Soup Recipe

Healthy Comfort Food: Italian Sausage Minestrone Soup Recipe

As the weather gets colder and we are knee deep in the holiday madness (I mean excitement!), it’s helpful to have a few recipes on hand to soothe your soul, your hormones, and your digestion.  One of my favorite healthy comfort food recipes is my Italian Sausage...

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Celiac Disease and Infertility

Celiac Disease and Infertility

What is the impact of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease on unexplained infertility? A recent study prospectively examined the role of undiagnosed celiac disease in couples with unexplained infertility (Karaca et al., 2015).  Several important pieces of information...

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Have a Healthy Holiday Smoothie

Have a Healthy Holiday Smoothie

This is a holiday recipe that I hope that you won't need.  But, sometimes we all overdo it, push a bit too hard, eat a bit too much holiday sugar, sit next to the coughing guy on the plane, or end up on the receiving end of our kid's snotty sneeze.  This recipe is for...

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Are Sunscreen Chemicals More Risky Than Sun Exposure?

Are Sunscreen Chemicals More Risky Than Sun Exposure?

Do sunscreen chemicals cause more damage or risk than sun exposure? Sunscreens are highly recommended by dermatologists, let's talk about safe sunscreen options.  According to Stotarczek and colleagues, modern sunscreens use completely insoluble compounds that are...

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Probiotics and Anxiety

Probiotics and Anxiety

When working with clients with pain, anxiety is often present as well.    Personally, anxiety was the trigger that finally brought my own hormonal imbalance to my attention.  Anytime the stress hormones are out of balance (and certainly chronic pain can trigger...

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The Impacts of Air Pollution on Fertility

The Impacts of Air Pollution on Fertility

Fertility health is often indicative of general health.  But, when women struggle with infertility for no apparent medical reason it can be extremely frustrating.  It turns out that supporting the health of the planet is as essential as getting enough sleep and eating...

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Inspiring Health through Beautiful and Delicious Pizza

Inspiring Health through Beautiful and Delicious Pizza

Here at The Integrative Pelvic Health Institute we believe that it's essential for health and wellness professionals to understand the research (or lack there of) supporting their clinical practice.  We encourage our professional students to participate in informal...

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What Does It Mean When Your Pelvis Hurts?

What Does It Mean When Your Pelvis Hurts?

What does it mean when your pelvis hurts? Pelvic pain is pain in the muscles, joints, nerves, or organs of the pelvis.  It can be vague pain that is difficult to isolate to any particular organ, muscle, nerve or joint, or it can be related to a number of more specific...

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THE Chicken Soup for Women Recovering from Birth or Surgery

THE Chicken Soup for Women Recovering from Birth or Surgery

Recovery from birth or surgery both require similar care for the soft tissue to regain it's strength.  Collagen is important for healing from surgical incisions, C-section incisions, and episiotomies or tears.  Collagen is also essential for maintaining bone density...

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The Ultimate Guide To Choosing a Prenatal Vitamin

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing a Prenatal Vitamin

  Optimal nutrition support for our client begins before she even conceives. Birth control pills make it difficult for women to absorb some nutrients that are essential for a healthy pregnancy. Ideally, women who were previously on birth control pills will...

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