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How to Take Care of Your Energy When You’re Traveling for Business
I just returned from an amazing opportunity. I spent most of last week at the largest national conference for physical therapists in the United States. In so many ways it was amazing. I had the chance to give a 2-hour presentation to my colleagues on using...
You are a powerful woman (even if you’re in pain.)
Do you choose to remain powerfully feminine when your pelvic pain hits? Do you even know that you have a choice? I will never forget one of the worst pain episodes of my life. I had endometriosis in my mid-twenties, and one afternoon I was meeting with some of the...
How to Teach Your Clients to Cook with Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients
Supporting your patients and clients to be more comfortable in the kitchen and learn how to cook with more anti-inflammatory ingredients is one of the best ways to help them to embrace the self-healing and self-nurturing power of using food as medicine. When your...
The Top 4 Causes of Amenorrhea: Guest Post From Nicole Jardim
Your period is missing! Where and why did it go? When will it come back? Why is this bothering you so much when you’ve wished countless times for your period to go away anyways? Anyone who has experienced Amenorrhea knows about the anxiety caused by our friend who...
How to Prevent and Relieve Back Pain: Guest Post from Dr. Joe Tatta
As clinicians we often think about how to treat a diagnosis. But, as we shift to thinking of our patients as clients and empowering them to take more responsibility for their health, we shift to thinking about how to help them build resilience in their physiologic...
Could Your Anxiety Be Related To Your Hormones?
Have you ever woken up from a sound sleep with a racing heart and sweaty palms, not even sure what scared you? Have you ever jumped into full-on, mama bear, fear and anxiety because your toddler tripped, or your third grader had a tough day at school, and felt the...
5 Ways to Quiet Your Mind, Inspire Your Family, and Reduce Your Pain
Yesterday I finally made it back to yoga. Actually, I put my toe in the water on Saturday by dragging my whole family to a family yoga class in the midst of a downpour. We were the only people there and it was a lovely bonding experience. Claire, my 10 year old,...
Are you always tired?
Last week I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Angela Savitri, OTR/L. She’s a Freedom from Chronic Stress™ Coach and Occupational Therapist. We had a great discussion about Adrenal Fatigue. If you're struggling with being tired all of the time, tired in...
Stealth Fitness: An easy way to fit more movement into your day
I'm thrilled to share this guest post with you from one of my top students, Dr. Brianne Grogan, DPT. Now that I spend so much time writing and so much less time running around the hospital floors, this is an issue that's become very important in my own life. I just...
Nourish Your Wisdom, Share Your Voice, and Protect Your Thyroid
I’m thrilled to be a part of The Hashimotos Institute Summit this week. Are your patients walking around with elevated antithyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies (a clinical indicator of an autoimmune problem with the thyroid)? Do they even know if their their levels are...
Are Canned Tomatoes Ruining Your Patient’s Fertility?
Today I want to talk about a 2012 study that looked at how the toxin bisphenol A (BPA) affected fertility in women using in vitro fertilization treatments for infertility. This study measured the number eggs that were able to be retrieved during an IVF cycle, the...
I’ll Admit it…the Hobby Lobby Ruling Irritated Me Too.
There was a small firestorm of controversy on my Facebook page reflective of the media firestorm of controversy after the Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow Hobby Lobby to limit the contraceptive choices it will pay for for its employees who are covered by their...
Dairy Free Chocolate Mousse
Join me and my friend, Stephanie Merchant (aka The Nutrition Mom!) in my kitchen to make a delicious and healthy dessert! No cooking required! Do you have a favorite simple and nourishing dessert? Share it in the comments below...
Raw Mushroom Steaks
Welcome back to my kitchen! On this beautiful afternoon, my friend Stephanie Merchant of The Nutrition Mom, joined me to share her recipe for raw mushroom steaks. Summer is the best time for raw foods, or warm this dish up and serve it as a delicious, anti-cancer...
Delicious Creamy Dairy Free Tomato Soup (no cooking required!)
This week's video is from a series that my dear friend, Stephanie Merchant, and I recorded a few months ago. You can check out all of her delicious and healthy recipes at We had an absolute blast cooking up some super simple, healthy food in my...
Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? It depends on what you believe.
What our patients believe is their reality, and there are mixed beliefs about gluten sensitivity. Stepping into our patients' reality is the first step to supporting their healing. This week, a new study on non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) was released. This...
What Happens When You Say, “Yes.”
Last week was one of the best, most interesting, and most fun weeks in my entire 15-year career in women's health. I had the great fortune of being invited to teach at three events in London and Ireland. I was one of the teachers involved in Jenny Burrell's...
How The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Can Help with Pelvic Pain
Interested in learning how to use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to help manage chronic pelvic pain? Audrey Sourroubille, AADP, CHHC, is a health and wellness coach teaching busy women how to befriend their hormones naturally so that they can enjoy their lives...
Gluten Free Grains 101
Have you ever wondered what whole grains to eat if you or your patients would be better off gluten free? How should you prepare and cook the grains? Watch on... What's your favorite gluten free grain? What's your favorite grain recipe? Quinoa salad? Porridge?...
Easy Weeknight Taco Salad
Last week's recipe was such a hit, that I decided to share with you one of my family's favorite go to meals! Enjoy! What is your favorite, healthy and easy weeknight recipe? Please share it in the comments below! And, please share this video with your busy patients,...
Healthy Estrogen Smoothie for Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness and painful sex are common side effects of hormonal imbalance. When women struggle with low hormone levels, including low estrogen, there can be many root causes. During the postpartum period and during the time when a woman breastfeeds, lower...
“Leaky Gut” and Pelvic Pain
Have you ever been curious about leaky gut syndrome? In today's video, I will show you what "leaky gut" is and how it can be related to pelvic pain. Check it out! Got any more questions about leaky gut? Ask me in the comments below! I love hearing from you!...
Estrogen Detoxification 101
How many of your patients enter your office complaining of period and pelvic pain, breast tenderness, PMS, water retention, or new weight gain around the middle? All of these issues can be related to estrogen dominance, even if your patient's overall estrogen levels...
The Birth Control Pill: Possible Side Effects
We all know the benefits of the birth control pill. First of all, it is effective birth control. And, effective birth control has far reaching benefits for women's autonomy beyond health. Effective birth control improves education, work, and many other...